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International Team

Charles Marsh

Director, DWB UK

Charlie has been involved in world federalism since 2016, when he did a masters thesis on the need for a world parliament, and worked as a Campaign for a UNPA intern at the World Federalist Movement in New York. Since then, he has helped with groups such as Democracy Without Borders and the UK-based One World Trust, and was involved in the establishment of the Young World Federalists, of which he is a Director. In late 2021 he also became a founding Director of Democracy Without Borders UK.

Survey explores causes for dissatisfaction with democracy
A new report by the Pew Research Centre published last month found that a population’s satisfaction with democracy is tied to subjective assessments of economic wellbeing, respect of individual rights, and of
Charles Marsh | 31.05.2019
Global freedom continues to decline but promise of democracy endures
Freedom House in Washington D.C. recently published its 2019 report on Freedom in the World, finding that in the previous year overall global freedom declined for the 13th consecutive time. While
Charles Marsh | 22.02.2019
Climate change and the need for a UN Parliamentary Assembly
A call for urgent global actionLast month, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a special report titled Global Warming of 1.5°C which emphasises the urgent need to act upon
Charles Marsh | 20.11.2018
V-Dem: Democracy’s decline is gaining momentum
While the global level of democracy has not changed dramatically from last year and remains close to its all-time high, the 2018 Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) report covering 178 countries
Charles Marsh | 08.07.2018