Program Areas

Program Areas

International Team

Caleb Wanga

Secretary/Coordinator, DWB-Kenya

Caleb Wanga is founder and Secretary of Democracy Without Borders-Kenya. He heads Usalama Reforms Forum, Kenya’s national civil society initiative focusing on security sector reforms. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations and has 24 years of experience with peace and security programs in Kenya and the Eastern Africa region. He is a World Bank trained security analyst and community mobilizer working with government, parliament and local stakeholders and holds a certificate in  peace, elections management and monitoring from International Peace Support Training Centre in Nairobi. Caleb Wanga coordinates a sports for safety development network for building talent among youth in Nairobi to reduce their vulnerability to crime. Since 2014, he is a trainer at the Kenya School of Government’s crime and violence prevention series. He is also involved in the Private Security Governance Observatory.