What’s next for Global Governance?
ImPACT Coalitions’ Recommendations for the Summit of the Future
Side event at the Summit of the Future Action Days
Sign up here if you plan to attend
The UN’s Summit of the Future in New York on 22/23 September 2024 will adopt a PACT for the Future which includes a chapter on the transformation of global governance. This side event during the UN’s Action Days ahead of the Summit is a space to learn about and discuss proposals in this field put forward by a number of ImPACT Coalitions to build on the outcomes of the Summit and continue fulfilling a vision for renewed global governance in the coming years.
How to build on the seeds planted in the PACT to continue addressing the planetary emergency, inequitable distribution of power, lack of inclusion, continued violations of peace and disarmament goals, and gaps in accountability and the rule of law? Where is a need to go further? The event will address future pathways to bring about a more effective, accountable and inclusive global governance architecture.
Program outline
1. Introductory remarks
- Mark Malloch Brown, advisor, Bretton Woods at 80 initiative, former UN Deputy Secretary-General; former UK State Minister
2. Firestarters from ImPACT Coalitions featuring:*
- Global Citizens’ Assembly and a UN Parliamentary Assembly: Aishwarya Machani, Iswe Foundation;
- promoting international courts and tribunals for accountability under international law, Rebecca Shoot, Citizens for Global Solutions
- UN declaration of planetary emergency, Planetary Emergency Platform and the Creation of a Global Environment Agency, Maja Groff, Climate Governance Commission
- UN Charter review conference: Natalia Nahra, UN Charter Reform Coalition
3. Reactions
- Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders, Lead Co-Chair of the Climate Governance Commission, and Former President of Ireland
- Representative of the Government of Norway
4. Moderated discussion and questions from the audience
5. Wrap-up and way forward
Moderated by Heba Aly
The UN Civil Society Conference in support of the Summit of the Future on 9-10 May 2024 in Nairobi resulted in the formation of self-organized ImPACT Coalitions which advance issues and proposals with a view of the PACT for the Future.
This side event is co-sponsored by the ImPACT Coalitions on Earth Governance – Inclusive Global Governance – an International Anti-Corruption Court – Just Institutions – and UN Charter Reform in collaboration with the Coalition for the UN We Need and the Global Governance Innovation Network.
Sign up
If you are interested in this event and/or plan to attend, sign up here.
Participation and registration
Please note that final confirmation of the event is pending. Also note the following requirements made by the UN concerning participation:
The Summit of the Future Action Days will be open to all interested stakeholders and representatives of organizations whose work has been relevant in shaping, and/or to the implementation of, the Pact for the Future.
All in-person participants MUST have either a valid UN grounds pass or a Special Events Ticket issued by the United Nations to enter the United Nations Headquarters during the Summit of the Future Action Days.
* More about the featured ideas:
- Global Citizens Assembly: Folly, Maiara, Aishwarya Machani, Andrea Ordóñez Llanos, and David Steven. 2024. Strengthening Citizen Participation in Global Governance. United Nations Foundation, Iswe Foundation, Plataforma CIPÓ, Blue Smoke, Southern Voice (download).
- UN Parliamentary Assembly: Brauer, Maja, and Andreas Bummel. 2020. A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly: A Policy Review of Democracy Without Borders. Berlin: Democracy Without Borders (download)
- a UN declaration of planetary emergency, Planetary Emergency Platform and the Creation of a Global Environment Agency, and other recommendations of the Climate Governance Commission; 2023 Report, Governing Our Planetary Emergency (download) and Tackling the Planetary Emergency: Supporting a Declaration of Planetary Emergency at the UN General Assembly and the Convening of a Planetary Emergency Platform (download), Published by MEGA on August 19, 2024
- Promoting international courts and tribunals: Legal Alternatives to War (LAW not War), a global campaign to increase the use and effectiveness of the International Court of Justice and to achieve universal acceptance of its jurisdiction.
- A UN Charter Review conference: Policy Brief from the UN Charter Reform Coalition