The role of parliaments in implementing the 2030 Agenda
With 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 2030 Agenda offers a comprehensive plan to combat some of the biggest global challenges such as poverty, hunger, inequality, unrest, unsafe migration, climate
Uwe Holtz | 13.06.2018
Three proposals for improved global governance awarded in Stockholm
At a conference in Stockholm the winners of the The New Shape Prize competition were announced at an award ceremony on Tuesday. Arranged by the Global Challenges Foundation, the conference
DWB | 31.05.2018
First conference on supranational democracy concluded in Lecce
The first ‘Supranational Democracy Dialogue’ conference in Lecce, Italy, was successfully held in April this year. It proved to be a unique opportunity to discuss major challenges currently facing humanity
Angelo Ardito och Susanna Cafaro | 28.05.2018
Bertelsmann Transformation Index depicts global instability and democratic decline
The 2018 edition of the Bertelsmann Transformation Index, in short BTI, published in March finds that the quality of democracy, market economy and governance has fallen to its lowest level
Charles Marsh | 24.05.2018
Kom med i den globala aktionsveckan för ett världsparlament 19-28 oktober 2018
Kom med i vår globala aktionsvecka 19-28 oktober 2018 för upprättandet av ett världsparlament, en global demokratisk institution som kan ge representation och politiskt inflytande till alla världsmedborgare.Klimatförändringar, miljöföroreningar, terrorism,
Petter Ölmunger | 22.05.2018
The Great Transition to Planetary Civilization
Published two years ago in 2016, Journey to Earthland which is available online presents a highly recommended literary exposé on the future of our planet by environmental policy activist and Tellus
Andrew McAllister | 15.05.2018
New book ”A World Parliament” presented at the European Parliament in Brussels
The new book A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century was presented at an event with both authors, Jo Leinen, a Member of the European Parliament, and Andreas
DWB | 08.05.2018
United Nations charter reform and the unfulfilled promise of San Francisco
The veto power in the UN Security Council The Security Council (SC) of the United Nations is the organ charged with maintaining “international peace and security” and, under international law,
Shahr-yar Sharei | 04.05.2018
Leif Lewins replik på recension av boken Global demokrati
Om konsten att urskilja och frestelsen att röra ihopLeif Lewins replik på Hans Leanders recension av boken Global demokrati (Studentlitteratur 2015)Vetenskapen växer genom polemik. Därvid är det inte ovanligt att
Leif Lewin | 03.05.2018
Recension av Leif Lewin, Global demokrati
Recension av Leif Lewin, Global demokrati: Hur vi på hundra år kommit halvvägs till en demokratisk världsordning. Studentlitteratur: Lund 2015.Leif Lewin är en välrenommerad statsvetare som innehar den eleganta titeln
Hans Leander | 01.05.2018
A World Community of Democratic Nations based on NATO and the OECD?
The promotion of democracy has become more urgent recently, as the world seems to become a more dangerous place. The threat of nuclear war has raised its head once again.
Chris Hamer | 23.04.2018
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