Program Areas

Program Areas


Global Citizenship


 The principle of basing all government on the consent of the governed is undenied and undeniable. Is democracy a failure? Train up citizens that will make it succeed. — W.E.B. DuBois

We advocate equal global citizenship

All human beings, irrespective of place of birth or any other differences, need to enjoy equal rights as global citizens of a democratic global community.

We support a planetary world view that allows individuals to understand their close connection to the planet and all of humanity and to develop a sense of global identity and solidarity. 

We support global citizenship education as an essential part of education worldwide. 

We are playing a leading role in the campaign for a UN World Citizens’ Initiative. This new tool will enable all world citizens to put forward proposals on important global issues.

We endorse the use of deliberative global citizens’ assemblies to seek citizens’ input for the agenda-setting and policy-making of the UN and other intergovernmental bodies.

A World Citizens' Initiative

DWB together with CIVICUS and Democracy International is running the Campaign for a UN World Citizens’ Initiative.

Global citizens' assemblies

DWB in principle endorses the use of global citizens’ assemblies for deliberation of global issues as outlined in its policy on the subject.

Global voting platform

DWB supports the World Parliament Experiment in developing a scalable online platform that allows for debates, voting, and elections.


DWB and its chapters are seeking donors and partners to develop projects in the field of global citizenship education and citizens’ empowerment at all levels.

News and developments in this program area

Expert report urges governments to make the UN more democratic
The UN’s independent expert on the promotion of a democratic international order, Livingstone Sewanyana, urges the UN’s member states to establish the office of a high-level civil society envoy, the
DWB | 08.09.2021
Survey: 64% in G20 countries want a stronger UN to protect the climate
A survey published in August and conducted on behalf of the Global Commons Alliance in G20 nations reveals that on average 64% of the general public believe that international organisations
Harry Gray | 07.09.2021
Humanity needs a global origin story that works for all
We are living through a momentous turning point in the history not just of humanity but of Planet Earth. But modern education is failing to help young people see the
David Christian | 01.06.2021
Proposals for a more democratic UN broached at Gwangju Democracy Forum
Civil society statement and UN75 On May 20th, Democracy Without Borders hosted a fruitful online session at this year’s Gwangju Democracy Forum in collaboration with Democracy International, CIVICUS, Together First
Amy Oloo | 27.05.2021