Internationale Umfrage: Unterstützung für Weltparlament und Weltrecht
Eine internationale Umfrage im Auftrag der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ergab, dass die öffentliche Meinung in 13 von 15 erfassten Ländern ein Weltparlament stark befürwortet.
Andreas Bummel | 05.10.2023
Open Society Barometer: 86% worldwide want to live in a democracy
In September 2023, Open Society Foundations, renowned as the world’s most substantial private supporter of groups championing justice, democratic governance and human rights, introduced the Open Society Barometer. This comprehensive
Lidia Bilali | 04.10.2023
New report: Global solidarity in a “danger zone“
This piece provides an overview of the 2023 Global Solidarity Report which includes a scorecard with measurable indicators of the level of global solidarity
Hassan Damluji und Qali Id | 02.10.2023
Überprüfung der UN-Charta gefordert, Studiengruppe macht Vorschläge
Diese Woche treffen sich die Staats- und Regierungschefs in New York zur Eröffnung der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wurde eine von Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Zivilgesellschaft und
DWB | 20.09.2023
Internationale parlamentarische Unterstützung für UN-Berichterstatter
Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages der Demokratie, der am 15. September 2023 begangen wird, haben eine Reihe von parlamentarischen Gremien und Abgeordneten aus aller Welt ihre Unterstützung für die Ernennung eines
DWB | 19.09.2023
Time for the UN to take action on strengthening civil society involvement
How do you get a seat at the table when you can’t even access the building? This question loomed as activists, faith-based leaders, and NGO representatives gathered at the NY
Abigail Van Neely | 10.08.2023
World Statehood: The Future Of World Politics
In this piece, Heikki Patomäki presents his new book on „world statehood“ that examines the potential formation of a world state from a processual perspective
Heikki Patomäki | 02.08.2023
For a citizen-elected Global Climate Assembly
The climate crisis continues to intensify, demanding immediate global action. The pressing need for effective climate policies requires innovative solutions that transcend national boundaries and unite citizens around the world.
Eston McKeague und Adrien Fabre | 13.07.2023
Book review: Democratism as a new research paradigm?
For those who strive to make global politics more democratic and inclusive there are several academic works that serve as helpful resources. Authors such as Andreas Bummel, Oded Gilad, Dena
Hans Leander | 11.07.2023
Global assessment shows increasing election quality in many countries
According to the Electoral Integrity Project the quality of elections has held steady around the world and increased in many countries.  There have been widespread concerns about democratic backsliding around
DWB | 03.07.2023
Survey: People ahead of elite, support parliamentary body at the UN
An international survey carried out in twelve countries across the world’s regions suggests that „the people are ahead of elites when it comes to fundamental issues of global governance and
Andreas Bummel | 22.06.2023
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