Appell an die UNO: Allianz der Zivil­gesellschaft will mehr Demokratie
Anlässlich des internationalen Tages für Multilateralismus am 24. April hat eine Gruppe von über 100 zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen ein gemeinsames Statement veröffentlicht und die Vereinten Nationen aufgefordert, sich zu öffnen und
DWB | 24.04.2021
Yemen: Millions at risk of starvation as UN is short of funds
A UN conference for Yemen on 1 March 2021 was a pivotal moment for governments to commit voluntary funds in support of the Yemeni people, who have already suffered through
Brian Son | 01.04.2021
It is time to consider the advantages of a world federal government
The Covid-19 pandemic is a global crisis, yet it has largely been managed by states acting independently. Arvind Ashta argues that in light of the pandemic, we should seriously consider the
Arvind Ashta | 23.03.2021
Let the people determine the best candidate for UN Secretary-General
The selection process of the United Nations Secretary-General is underway. The process is obscure, the timeline unclear and the stakeholders are meeting behind closed doors. This is problematic on a
Colombe Cahen-Salvador und Andrea Venzon | 18.03.2021
V-Dem Bericht 2021: Welle der Autokratisierung beschleunigt sich
Die weltweite Autokratisierungswelle schreitet auch im Jahr 2020 voran. In der globalen Entwicklung ist die Demokratisierung in den letzten Jahren in etwa auf das Niveau von 1990 zurückgefallen. Dies ist
Stefan Kalberer | 14.03.2021
Time for global democracy promotion to be ramped up
Democracy is under pressure across the world. According to the latest annual report by Freedom House, a United States-based non-partisan think-tank, the balance is shifting further “in favour of tyranny”.
Andreas Bummel | 11.03.2021
Global trend towards less freedom continues for the 15th straight year
Freedom House’s 2021 Freedom in the World report casts the state of democracy worldwide as dire, with global freedom declining for the 15th straight year and with the gap between the countries seeing
Peter Orvetti | 05.03.2021
UN2020-Kampagne macht weiter als Coalition for the UN We Need
Democracy Without Borders (DWB) war von Beginn an Teil der 2017 ins Leben gerufenen UN2020-Kampagne. Nun, da sowohl das 75-jährige Jubiläum der UN als auch das Jahr 2020 vergangen sind,
Hans Leander | 02.03.2021
Buchrezension: Kann Globalisierung gelingen?
Dena Freeman, Senior Visiting Fellow am Institut für Anthropologie der London School of Economics und Beraterin von Democracy Without Borders, stellt in ihrem neuesten Buch eine einfache Frage: Kann Globalisierung
Tatjana Söding und DWB | 25.02.2021
Panel explores a global referendum: a voice for humanity?
On February 16th the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) hosted an online session on the question of a global referendum as part of their conference A Planetary Moment
Michael Weidinger | 17.02.2021
EIU report: In 2020, democracy declined worldwide amid pandemic
In the 2020 edition of their Democracy Index, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) recorded the worst state of global democracy since the index was first produced in 2006. Snapshot of
Nicolas Rowe | 10.02.2021
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